Parent document
Does Technology really connect people or pave the way for a new Corporate Era?
Is the Pharmaceutical Industry producing essential medicine or simply creating the Market for it?
Are GMO's a necessity to cope with world hunger or just a tool to alter (D)Evolution?
Is Fetus surgery the patients right or an act of Violation?
or simply:
Are we humans a viable species on this endangered planet?

Because life is not a Science, but Science affects our Life ....

This public web-site evolved out of personal interest of Pierre Madl (PhD, MSc, EE) during his academic career
at various research institutions across the globe and in particular at the University of Salzburg (AUT), Natural Sciences (department of Physics and Biophysics).
The files listed below are the result of lectures, assignment projects and other issues of interest.
As this is an ongoing process, I hope to enlarge this service again as soon as possible....
(site best viewed with Firefox)

....Index of WEB-pages

Note: due to a malware attack against the server infrastructure at the University of Salzburg originally hosting the "" URL, the content of that page has been temporarily cloned to this backup-server.

Content / Institution1
Acanthaster Planci
Dec. 1998
English only
Artificial Reefs
Dec. 1998
English only
Lessepsian Migration
May 1999
English only
Marine-Lab in Rovigno
17-30th July 1999
English only
The Silent Sentinels - the Demise of tropical Coral Reefs (PLU)
Feb. 2005
English only
Coral diseases
Oct. 1999
English only
Electrical Organ Discharge in Electric Rays
Jan. 2000
English only
Census of benthic Fishfauna
Aug. 2000
German only
Scleractinian Corals
June 2001
English only
Caulerpa taxifolia
May 1999
English only
Municipial Waste Management
April 2000
English only
Ozone Depletion of the upper Atmosphere
Dec. 2000
English only
The El-Nino Phenomenon
Dec. 2000
English only
Air Pollution in Mexico City
Dec. 2000
English only
Coral diseases at the Royal Diving Center - Aqaba, Jordan (UV)
15th-31st Oct. 1999
English only
Coral diseases at the Royal Diving Center - Aqaba, Jordan - Followup Report (UV)
15th-31st Oct. 2000
English only
Expedition - Coral Reefs of Milne Bay Province (PNG)
31st of Aug. - 15th Sep. 2000
English only
Expedition - Coral Reefs of the Seychelles
Dec. 2001
English only
Reef Expedition Maldives 2007
14th-29th March 2007 - Maldives
English only

.... Index of conference contributions & published papers ( - pdf files)
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)
Development & Application of a Thermodenuder
1st - 2ndOct. 2003
53rd ÖPG meeting;
English only
Development & Application of a Thermodenuder
29th Sep. - 2nd Oct. 2005 - EAC, Ghent;
published in:
Rep. on Nat. & Med. Sci. (2008), Vol.15: 119-128
(w/ German summary)
New Method of Determination of Emission Factors
31st Aug - 5th Sep. 2003 - EAC, Madrid;
published in:
J. of Atmos. Environ. (2004), Vol.38(16): 2607-2610
English only
Airborne particulate matter at a bus station: concentration levels and governing parameters
1st - 2ndOct. 2003, 53rd ÖPG meeting; published in:
Proc. of 10th Int. Conferenc on Indoor Air Quality & Climate
English only
Multi-Channel Statistical Analysis of Aerosols (QUT)
31th Aug - 2th Sep. 2005 - EAC, Ghent;
published in:
Geophys. Res. Letters (2007), Vol.34:L11811-11816
English only
Biophotons - The Light of Life
5-9th July 2006 - 6th Salzburg;
published in: Proc. of 6th Biosemiotics Gath. (2007), Umweb, Helsinki, p.303-311
English only
Informationm, Matter & Energy - a non-linear world view
5-9th July 2006 - 6th Salzburg; published in:
Proc. of 6th Biosemiotics Gath. (2007), Umweb, Helsinki, p.217-225
English only
Urban Aerosol Sampling during Winter and Summer
25-29th Sep. 2008 - EAC, Thessaloniki;
published in:
Atmosphere (2010), Vol.1(1): 3-14
English only
Aerosol Size Spectra of a Wood Burning Furnace
6-11th Sep. 2009 - EAC, Karlsruhe
English only / release delayed
Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Surface Measurements in an Urban Environment (PLU/UoP)
published in: J.o.Aerosol & Air Quality Res. (2014), Vol.14(3): 686-696
English only
Characterisation of a Commercially Available Thermodenuder for UFP-losses (PLU/UoP)
published in: J.o.Aerosol & Air Quality Res. (2014), Vol.14(4): in press
English only
Ion Characterization of Alpine Waterfalls (PLU)
6st - 10ndSept. 2010, 60th ÖPG meeting;
published in:
Atmos. Phys. & Chem. (2012)
English only
Highway exhaust aerosols and their effects on epiphytic lichen populations
9-14th Sep. 2007 - EAC, Salzburg;
published in:
Reinhaltung der Luft (2010), Vol.4: 147-153
(w/ German summary)
Investigations of Sensitivity of Lichens to Diesel Exhaust under Lab-Conditions (PLU)
3-7th Sep. 2012 - EAC, Granada;
27-29th Sep. 2012 - OeBT, Innsbruck;
published in: JEP (2014), Vol.5: 1331-1341
English only
Remotely operated PLUS-copter used as an aerosol measurement platform (PLU)
2nd-6th Sep. 2013 - EAC, Prague
Demo-videos: prototype-I, prototype-II, prototype-III, prototype-IV, prototype-IV&V,published in CRJ (2015), Vol.10(4):70-71
English only
Aerosols at Salzburg Airport - Long-term measurements along the runway (PLU)
17th - 18th April 2018, 6th Grimm - Nano neets Enviro;
published in: GRL (2019), Vol.79(6): 227-234
English only
Measuring UFP Concentrations at Salzburg airport (PLU)
published in: GI-Forum (2020), Vol.2: 124-146
English only
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)
Formation of Coherence Domains for aerosolized water at Alpine Waterfalls / Pt-1 (PLU)
20th - 23rd Oct. 2011, 6th Conference on the Physics, Chemistry & Biology of Water, Vermont;
published in: Water Journal (2013), Vol.5: 57-68
English only
Formation of Coherence Domains for aerosolized water at Alpine Waterfalls / Pt-2 (PLU)
20th - 23rd Oct. 2011, 6th Conference on the Physics, Chemistry & Biology of Water, Vermont;
in preparation for: Water Journal
English only
The Field and the Photon (Ch.2) (PLU)
6-7th Oct. 2012 - FotC, Basel
published in: Field of the Cells (2015): 29-54
English only
Detection & measurement of biogenic ultraweak photon emission (Ch.3) (PLU)
6-7th Oct. 2012 - FotC, Basel
published in: Field of the Cells (2015): 55-70
English only
Equilibrium & far-from equilibrium states (Ch.4) (PLU)
6-7th Oct. 2012 - FotC, Basel
published in: Field of the Cells (2015): 71-94
English only
Energy flow and dissipative structures (Ch.4) (PLU)
6-7th Oct. 2012 - FotC, Basel
published in: Field of the Cells (2015)
English only
Coherence Monitor - Prototyping (PLU)
published in: Proceedings of 21st VIP-Congress, VDE Publ. (2016): 428-432
English only
Coherence Monitor - Searching for the Light of Life (PLU)
presented at AKH (MUV), Med.Uni.(PMU)
English only
Oscillations of ultra-weak photon emission from non/cancer cells (PLU)
presented at UZS (MUV), Zurich published in: SciRep.(2017) Vol.7
English only
Effects of uw-fractal EM-signals on Fibroblasts (PLU)
published in:
Electromagn. Biol. Med. (2020): 1762634
English only
Effects of uw-fractal EM-signals on HaCaTs infected with Malassezia (PLU)
published in:
Int J Mol Sci. (2023) 24(4):4099
English only
Schauberger & Reich - Heretics or Pionieers (PLU)
published in: Aquaphotomics, 4th int. Conference (2021), Kobe (JPN)
English only
The Hidden Dimensions of Water (UN)
presented @ the UN-SDG, 22nd March 23, New York (USA)
English only
QED & Hormesis - Foundations of Quantum Biology
published in: Int J Mol Sci. (2023) 24(18):14003
English only
the H-Bond - A QFT-QED Perspective
published in: Int J Mol Sci. (2024) 25(7):3846
English only
Hormesis - the power of Water (UN)
presented @ the 10th World Water Forum, May 22 2024, Bali (IND)
English only
em-Hormesis (UN)
presented @ the 24th SFM, Sep.23 2024, Saratov (RUS)
English only
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)
Exposure Assessment of Diesel Emissions
published in:
Int. Journal of Environ. Res. Public Health (2006), Vol.3(4):309-315
English only
In-Vehicle Exposure to Ultrafine Particles While Driving through a Tunnel-System (PLU)
25-29th Sep. 2008 - EAC, Thessaloniki
published in: J.o.Aerosol & Air Quality Res. (2014), Vol.14(4): in press
English only
Comparing Lung Deposition of Ultrafine Particles caused by Fireworks and Traffic (PLU)
6-11th Sep. 2009 - EAC, Karlsruhe
English only
Aerosol Exposure Chamber
9-14th Sep. 2007 - EAC, Salzburg;
published in:
Rep. on Nat. & Med. Sci. (2008), Vol.15: 109-117
(w/ German summary)
Gradierwerk / Open Air Inhalation Spa
9-14th Sep. 2007 - EAC, Salzburg;
published in:
Rep. on Nat. & Med. Sci. (2008), Vol.15: 99-108
(w/ German summary)
Nanotechnology applied to horses
submitted to:
Vet. Med. Austria; Vienna (2010);
English & German
Stochastic Morphometric Model of the Balb/c Mouse Lung (PLU)
published in:
Anatomical Record (2010), Vol.293(10): 1766-1775
English only
Theoretical Prediction of Particle Deposition Patterns of the Balb/c Mouse Lung (PLU)
5-9th Sep. 2011 - EAC, Manchester;
published in:
not yet available
English only
Implementation of Charged Particles Deposition in Stochastic Lung Model (PLU)
published in:
Aerosol Scie. & Tech. (2011), Vol.46(5): 547-554.
English only
Aerosol size distribution, mass concentration & lung deposition in different cities of Pakistan (PLU)
published in:
J. of Environ. Monitoring (2011), Vol.13: 1944-1952
English only
Lung deposition predictions of particles and contemporary diseases - Pt-I (Inhalation Deposition) (LIPH)
published in:
theHealth (2011), Vol.2(2): 51-59
English only
Lung deposition predictions of particles and contemporary diseases - Pt-II (Health & Disease) (LIPH)
published in:
theHealth (2011), Vol.2(3): 101-107
English only
Ambient air quality with emphasis on roadside junctions in metropolitan cities of Pakistan and its potential health effects (LIPH)
published in:
theHealth (2012), Vol.3(3): 79-85
English only
Exposure assessment & associated lung deposition calculations for vehicular exhaust in 4 metropolitan cities of Pakistan (PLU)
published in:
Environmental Monitoring & Assessment (2012); Vol.184(11): 1-12
English only
Exposure to nano-sized particles & the energence of contemporarty diseases - focus on epigenetics (PLU)
published in:
Air pollution - Monitoring, Modelling & Health; Ch.14; intechweb books (2012)
English only
Enhanced Deposition by Electrostatic Field-Assistance Aggravating Diesel Exhaust Aerosol Toxicity for Human Lung Cells (PLU)
18th-21st Oct. 2012 - 7th Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, Vermont;
published in: ES&T, Vol.49(13):xx-yy
English only
Effect of Oral Pathway on Charged Particles Deposition in the Human Bronchial Airways (PLU)
published in:
J.o.Aerosol Med. & Pulm. Drug Delivery. (2015):
English only
Brown's Gas for Health (PLU)
published in:
Water Journal (2020). Vol.11: 109-131
English only
Air Pollution, SARS-CoV-2 and the Wider Implications - Italy (PLU)
published in:
AAQR (2021):
English only
SARS-COV-2 in Italy - A health crisis due to missed Opportunities - Air Pollution & Epigenetics (PLU)
published in:
Evidence based Medicine, Springer-Nature (2024)
German only
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)
Caulerpa taxifolia
20-24th July 2005 - 5th BioSEM, Urbino;
published in: Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (2005), p.87-135
English only
Coral Endosymbionts
4-7th July 2005 - FIS, Paris
English only
Coral Bio-Communicaton
published: Int. J. Integrat. Biology (2009), Vol.5(3): 152-163 and Logos of the Bios 2 (2007) Umweb, Helsinki, p.85-117
English only
How Corals Coordinate and Organize: An Ecosystemic Analysis Based on Biocommunication and Fractal Properties (PLU)
published in: Biocommunication in Animals, Springer, Ch.20 (2013): 351-382
English only
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)
Our Western / Waste Society
20th-22nd May 2004 - Sbg;
published in:
Freiburg. Soz. anthrop. Studien, Vol.10: 103-134
English w/ some
Science Journalism
3rd June 2004 - Salzburg;
published in:
Schriftenreihe Journalistik, Vol.16: 169-82
German only
Information alters Matter
5-9th 2006 - 6th Salzburg; published in:
Proc. of 6th Biosemiotics Gath. (2007), Umweb, Helsinki, p.261-269
English only
Information alters malignant Tissues
20-25th May 2008 - 6th LMHI, Oostende
English only
Let's talk about Science
downloadable audio files
Fall 2007 - Spring 2008, Science Radio from grade 6 upwards;
aired via Radiofabrik SBG
German only
On this Side of the Principle of Minimal Stimulus (CSER)
Summer 2016
published in:
CSER online, Milano (IT)
The passionate soul of scientific reason of
Emilio Del Giudice (EdG)
Fall 2019
published in:
Biblion Edizioni, Milano (IT)
EdG's enthusiastic legacy (IISF)
presented L'Entusiasmante Eredita' di EdG, June 22 2024, Napoli (ITA)
English only
Content (Affiliation)1
Date (Conference/Publication)

....Index of public talks ( - pdf files)

Human Impact
Public presentation @ open house session (PLU)
5th July 2005,
English only
Tragedy of the Commons
Public presentation @ the ICT&S (PLU)
8th Aug 2005,
English only
Aerosol - Tiny but Powerful
(PLU) Annual Lecture for the EU-Master's program; CSA
held twice a year, since March 2007,
part-I, part-II, part-III, part-IV, part-V
English only
Die Natur als der bessere Unternehmer (FHS)
6th Dec. 2006 - Urstein
English only
Air Quality in Megacities
23rd May 2001 - QUT
22th Oct 2007 - PLUS (udated)
English only
Air Quality in Megacities
22th Oct 2007,
Audiofile in German only
Genetics & Traits (SBW)
29th Oct. 2007,
English only
Epigenetics - the Ghost in our Genes (SBW)
held bianually since April 2009, Salzburg
English only
Food & Epigenetics - Are the foods we eat killing us? (SBW)
held bianually since May 2009
English / German
Whitehead's Process Philosopy (PLU)
12th April 2009,
English only
Mind over Matter in Modern Medicine - Placebo (PLU)
12th June 2009,
English only
How Aerosols affect Climate and Health (PLU)
18th Jan.2010
English only
Introduction to the Taxonomy of Scleractinian Corals (PLU)
18th - 21st Mar.2014,
English only
Particle Depostition in the Human Lung (PLU)
24th Nov. 2014,
English only
Why QFT matters (PLU)
18th May 2015
English only
An introduction to Biophotonics (UV)
1st Dec 2016
English only
Lab Practicals for 1st year medical students (PMU)
annually since 2012
English only

If you detect severe errors,
or if you just want to say hello,
why not drop us a line....

Maricela Yip or Pierre Madl
and we will get back to you ASAP.

....Index of special assignments ( as - pdf files)

Wisdom of the Elders
PLU - PDF-file)
Jan. 2002
English only
Rape of Mother Earth
(PLU - PDF-file)
16th, 23rd, 30th Jan. & 6th Feb. 2002
English w/ some
Assignment: Human Impact
Past-Present-Future of Human Consciousness (PLU - PPT)
16th June 2005
English only
Handbook / Manual:
Scientific Scuba Diver (Research Diver)
(UQ - pdf-file)
March 2003
English only
Handbook / Manual:
Marine Radio Operator
(UQ - pdf-file)
March 2003
English only

1) Key to Institutions: BSFU: Beijing Foreign Study University - BeiJing, China
CSA: Chinese Academy of Sciences - BeiJing, China
ERSU: Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Urbino, Italy
FHS: Fachhochschule - Puch/Urstein, Austria
LFU: Leopold Franzens University - Innsbruck, Austria
LIPH: Lahore Institute of Pyblic Health, Pakistan
MUV: Medical University of Vienna, Austria
PLU: Paris Lodron University - Salzburg, Austria
PMU: Paracelsus Medical University - Salzburg, Austria
QUT: Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane, Australia
SBW: Salzburger Bildungswerk - Salzburg, Austria
SEC: Sinai Environmental Center - Sinai, Egypt
UNC: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hills, USA
UoP: University of Peshawar, Pakistan
UQ: University of Queensland - Brisbane, Australia
UN: United Nations - New York, USA
UV: University of Vienna, Austria case you are not able to open the downloaded files, get the following freeware from the net:
and / or

Site chronology: 1996-2023 by pierre madl